Tack för nattsländan jag fick igår.

Jag fick möjlighet att prova den igår. Kullsjön igår var svårfiskad. Fisken var avvaktande men nyfiken. Jag körde på vått mestadels tills en stund innan jag var klar. Jag tänkte att jag bara skulle prova nattdländan. Jag presenterar den långt från perfekt 1 meter bakom en vakande fisk med ett stort plask utav linan.
Thanks for the caddisfly I received yesterday.

I had the opportunity to try it right away. The lake was difficult to fish yesterday. The fish was cautious but curious. I was using wet flies mostly until just a moment before I was done. I figured I would just try the caddis. My presentation was far from perfect, 1 meter behind a rising fish with a big splash from the line.

Slowly I stripped the caddis in the window but I expected that the had disappeared due to my incredibly clumsy presentation.

Then a trout strikes and try to take it but I'm too fast so I lose the fish.

I'm standing there in water up to my waist and smile at how bad I'm doing when I see the water rise and a trout takes the fly from below in an almost meter-high jump. The trout hooks himselve and it's perfect. It jumps again only 5 feet in front me and I see that this is the biggest rainbow I've caught in this lake. I hear a "shit" cried out from the guy who is fishing next to as he's watching the battle with great interest.

The trout jumps again and again, but the fly holds out. Suddenly, a slack in the line, and I notice that the fish swims straight towards me. I've just managed the line when it makes a last jump 2 feet from me as he breaks the tippet.

I used only one cast and two strikes on that caddis! Good job! You have new a loyal customer!!


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