Hopper Legs

16 products

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 products

Lightweight, proportional and soft legs in silicone for imitations of grasshoppers, crickets and cicadas. Whether you intend to fish stationary trout in southern Sweden, rainbow in a put & take water or go to New Zealand to catch your dream fish, these legs are perfect for your natural-looking imitations of these floating land insects. All the legs needed for a fly are seated on a sheet. This means that you do not have to bind each leg or each leg individually - quickly, smoothly and easily. Available in the following colors:

- Black
- Green
- Olive Brown
- Red

In combination with our pens, you can easily create patterns and segmentations on your legs, or completely change color on them. All colors are available in four different sizes and each package contains twelve sheets of six pairs of legs. The sizes are divided into:

Instructions included.

Packing: 12 sheets of 6 legs per package and color.
Material: Non-toxic, durable and soft silicone.

Showing 1 - 16 of 16 products
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H3 Green
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H3 Olive Br
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H1 Olive Br
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H1 Green
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H2 Olive Br
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H1 Black
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H2 Green
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H4 Green
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H4 Olive Br
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H4 Black
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H2 Black
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H3 Black
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H4 Red
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H3 Red
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H2 Red
J:son Realistic Hopper Legs H1 Red

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