Tails & Antennas

12 products

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products

Like all our products, we are the ones who designed and developed, always aiming to create the most realistic and best materials for your flight. Realistic Tails / Antennas are made of soft and flexible silicone and are extremely durable. These are used to create imitations of stingers and antennas on a variety of flies. Some examples include stonefly- and mayflynymphs, shrimps and dryflies, such as mayflies. They do not brake, keeps the shape, are extremely light and at the same time so soft that the fish do not know them when it takes the fly. Each package contains forty eight taped brittle on a sheet that makes it easy to cut them to the desired length. Realistic Tails / Antennas come in the following colors and sizes:

- Neutral Micro
- Neutral Regular
- Black Micro
- Black Regular
- Red Micro
- Red Regular
- Green Micro
- Green Regular
- Yellow Micro
- Yellow Regular
- Brown Micro
- Brown Regular

Everyone is easy to color or paint segmentations with J: Sons pencils. Instructions included.

Packaging: A pack contains 48 antennas.
Material: Non-toxic, durable and soft silicone.

Showing 1 - 12 of 12 products
J:son Realistic T&A Regular Black
J:son Realistic T&A Micro Olive Br
J:son Realistic T&A Micro Black
J:son Realistic T&A Regular Olive Br
J:son Realistic T&A Regular Lt Olive
J:son Realistic T&A Micro Lt Olive
J:son Realistic T&A Regular Green
J:son Realistic T&A Micro Red
J:son Realistic T&A Micro Yellow
J:son Realistic T&A Regular Yellow
J:son Realistic T&A Micro Green
J:son Realistic T&A Regular Red

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