Stonefly Adult (A)

10 products

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 products

Adult stoneflies are, quite wrongly, overlooked by many fly fishermen and considered less interesting to the fish. An incorrect analysis that can cost many fine opportunities on the water. Above all in central and northern Sweden, stoneflies play a decisive role in many streams and rivers early in the season. The hatches can be abundant and then it is important to have tied the right imitations. The wing burner Adult Stone is used to create perfect imitations of the wings of adult stonflies. These are available in five sizes.

A1 – fits hook size 6-10, optimized for size 8.
A2 – fits hook size 10-14, optimized for size 12.
A3 – fits hook size 14-16, optimized for size 16.
A4 - fits hook size 16-18, optimized for size 18.
A5 – fits hook size 18-20, optimized for size 20.

Designed to simplify and improve your stoneflies imitations. Instructions included.

Packaging: 1 wing burner per package. Available in sizes A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5.
Material: Stainless steel.

Showing 1 - 10 of 10 products
Realistisk Vingbrännare A1
Realistic Wing Burner A1
Sale price219 kr
Realistisk Vingbrännare A4
Realistic Wing Burner A4
Sale price219 kr
Realistisk Vingbrännare A3
Realistic Wing Burner A3
Sale price219 kr
Realistisk Vingbrännare A2
Realistic Wing Burner A2
Sale price219 kr
Realistisk Vingbrännare A5
Realistic Wing Burner A5
Sale price219 kr
Realistiskt Vingmaterial A1
Realistic Wing Material A1
Sale price79 kr
Realistiskt Vingmaterial A4
Realistic Wing Material A4
Sale price79 kr
Realistiskt Vingmaterial A3
Realistic Wing Material A3
Sale price79 kr
Realistiskt Vingmaterial A2
Realistic Wing Material A2
Sale price79 kr
Realistiskt Vingmaterial A5
Realistic Wing Material A5
Sale price79 kr

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