J:son Realistic Flies

192 products

Showing 145 - 168 of 192 products

Flies that imitate natural insects catch fish, it's that simple. J: son Match’n’Catch makes your choice easy and makes your fly fishing more fun and successful.

The concept J: son Match’n’Catch is designed with a simple purpose - matching the right fly with whatever the fish eats and thereby increasing your chance of catching it. An important part of this is J:son flies - they are the key to success. Isn't it a little strange, nevertheless, that so many fly fishermen put thousands on fly fishing rods, reels and fly lines, but overlook the single most important detail - the fly? To succeed, we must have some basic knowledge of the fish's food, what it eats and when. A hatch always begins at the bottom and we must be able to imitate all stages of a specific insect during a hatch. The nymph or the larva, the pupa, the emerger and finally the adult winged insect (dun). All these stages are part of a hatching. Match this life cycle with the right imitations in your fly box and significantly increase your chances.

Showing 145 - 168 of 192 products
Tungsten Mayfly Nymph 1 Light Olive
Hatch Pack TerrestialHatch Pack Terrestial
Sale price206 kr
Dagslända Spent 5 Olive Grey
Dagslända Spent 5 Black
Nattslända Vuxen 5 Cinnamon Brown
Nattslända Puppa 5 Yellow
Bäckslända Vuxen 5 Yellow
Bäckslända Nymf 1 Gold
Dagslända Spent 4 Vanilla Cream
Nattslända Larv 1 Olive Brown
J:son Mayfly Dun 2 Mahogany
Sale price35 kr
Fjädermygga Vuxen 4 Red
J:son Midge Adult 4 Red #22
Sale price28 kr
Dagslända Spent 5 Vanilla Cream
Dagslända Dun 5 Vanilla Cream
Nattslända Vuxen 4 Saffron Gold / Pistachio Green
Hatch Pack Hopper (ca 20mm)
Hopper (ca 20mm)
Sale price189 kr
Dagslända Spent 5 Cinn Brown
Tungsten Mayfly Nymph 5 Grey Beige
Tungsten Mayfly Nymph 4  Grey Beige
J:son Hopper 3 Olive Green #12
Dagslända Nymf 4 Black

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